Implant dentures: removable or fixed – which is right for you?

Dental Implants
Dr Daniel Adamo
Dr Daniel Adamo
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Dr. Daniel Adamo photographs an older woman explains the differences between removable and fixed implant dentures

Losing (or knowing you’re about to lose) all of your teeth is not only devastating, but it can also leave you feeling a little lost about your tooth replacement options. Implant dentures are likely one of the solutions you’ve seen and you may be wondering what they are and whether they’re right for you.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the two types of implant dentures: removable and fixed, as well as the pros and cons of each. We’ll also explore how they compare to other treatment options, like traditional dentures.

What are implant dentures?

You may have seen implant dentures called by a few different names: overdentures, implant-supported dentures, implant retained dentures, snap-in or snap-on dentures, full mouth denture implants or All on four denture implants.

Generally speaking, all of these names refer to a denture or tooth bridge that is secured in place by dental implants. However, they are not all exactly the same. This is because there are two different types of implant dentures:

  • Fixed
  • Removable

Some implant dentures will be a fixed solution that stays in the mouth, while others will be removable, and we’ll explore each in detail below.

Fixed vs removable implant dentures: what’s the difference?

A fixed implant denture means that the tooth bridge is connected to the dental implants via special screws and can only be removed by your dentist.

A removable implant denture still uses dental implants to secure the tooth bridge in place, however, it features special ‘snap-on’ fixtures or attachments that allow the wearer to remove and put in the dentures or tooth bridge without their dentist’s assistance.

Fixed implant dentures: pros and cons

When talking about fixed implant-supported dentures, we’re essentially referring to the treatment more commonly known as All-on-4.

An illustration of all-on-4 dental implants.
The All-on-4 procedure uses an innovative implant placement technique where the two front implants are inserted straight and the two back implants are inserted at a 45-degree angle. This technique utilises more bone density to support the tooth bridge, overcoming bone deficiencies and reducing the need for bone grafting — even for patients with jaw bone loss.

All on 4 denture implants involve the placement of at least 4 (or up to 6) dental implants in the upper or lower jaw (or both) to hold a tooth bridge of up to 12 teeth in place. The All-on-4 procedure uses an innovative implant placement technique where the two front implants are inserted straight and the two back implants are inserted at a 45-degree angle. This technique utilises more bone density to support the tooth bridge, overcoming bone deficiencies and reducing the need for bone grafting — even for patients with jaw bone loss.

One of the biggest benefits of All-on-4 is that you can get a fixed set of teeth in as little as 3 days after the implant surgery. Initially, patients will wear a temporary acrylic tooth bridge during their healing period (typically around 6 months) while the jaw bone grows around the dental implant, further adding to its strength and support. After this time, the temporary tooth bridge will be replaced with the final tooth bridge.

Fixed implant dentures (All on 4 denture implants)
Fixed implant dentures (All on 4 denture implants)
Pros Cons
Fast – get a fixed set of teeth in as little as 3 days More expensive than removable dentures
Secure – won’t come loose Requires surgery
Restore complete function Healing period of around 6 months (but you won’t be without teeth during this time)
Look and feel like natural teeth Small risk of complications (like all surgical procedures)
Prevents further jaw bone losss
Highly durable
Rarely requires bone grafting
High success rate and longevity
Easy to clean

How much do All on 4 implant dentures cost?

The average All on 4 implant dentures cost in Australia can range from $18,000 to $50,000 per jaw, which includes implant placement and tooth bridge (or tooth bridges). It’s important to note here that the broad range in price is largely determined by two important factors that affect the cost of All-on-4:

  • Whether the treatment includes a one or two-bridge solution
  • The material used in the final tooth bridge

At Dental Implants on Miller, our price for All on 4 treatment starts from $19,500 (excluding sedation). We also offer flexible payment plans so you can pay for your treatment in affordable instalments over time.

To find out whether All-on-4 implant dentures are right for you, book your FREE consultation today.


Want to restore your smile with dental implants?

Learn more about our teeth replacement options, including All-on-4, and the costs involved.

Removable implant dentures: pros and cons

Removable implant dentures are also referred to as overdentures or ‘snap-on’ dentures. This tooth replacement solution is only used for patients who have lost (or are going to lose) all of their teeth in their lower jaw but still have enough bone density to support the dental implants.

Photo of an overdenture module.
Overdentures or ‘snap-on’ dentures are a partially implant-supported solution. This means that the front of the denture is supported by the two implants, while the back of the denture rests on the gum tissue.

Typically, this tooth replacement treatment involves the placement of at least two dental implants at the front of the lower jaw to hold a removable denture or tooth bridge in place. It has special attachments that allow the denture to ‘snap’ on or off the implants (hence, the ‘snap-on’ name).

One thing to keep in mind is that overdentures are a partially implant-supported solution. This means that the front of the denture is supported by the two implants, while the back of the denture rests on the gum tissue.

Once the implants have been placed, patients will receive a temporary denture that is worn for around 6 months while the implants heal and fuse with the jaw bone. After the healing period, a second surgery will be performed to attach a ‘healing cap’ or ‘collar’ to the top of the dental implant. This healing cap is used to keep the gums separate from the top of the implant and will be replaced with abutments (that connect the denture to the implant) around 2 weeks after the procedure. Impressions are then taken to create the permanent denture or tooth bridge. Once the final denture is made, patients will usually have a try-in appointment and then a final insertion.

Removable implant dentures
Removable implant dentures
Pros Cons
Cost-effective Requires multiple procedures over a number of months
More secure and comfortable than traditional dentures Lengthy treatment time before final denture is placed
Restore complete function Only suitable for lower jaw teeth replacement
Look and feel like natural teeth Must have adequate bone density to support implants
Implants stimulate jaw bone, prevents further bone loss at front of jaw Implants only at the front of jaw so will not prevent bone loss at the back of jaw
Must remove and clean the denture each night

How much do removable implant dentures cost?

On average, removable implant dentures can cost anywhere between $12,000 to $20,000 per jaw. But keep in mind the total cost of treatment will largely depend on your specific case and the number of implants needed.

Dentures vs implants: Why choose implant dentures over traditional dentures?

If you’re already a traditional denture-wearer, you’ll know these downsides all too well:

  • Feeling worried or embarrassed that your denture will slip or come loose while speaking or eating
  • Uncomfortable, ill-fitting dentures that rub and irritate your gums
  • Messy and inconvenient adhesive applications and cleaning routine
  • Jaw bone loss, resulting in a ‘sunken-in’ facial structure
  • An unnatural appearance (there’s a reason why traditional dentures are called ‘false teeth’!)
  • Unable to taste or enjoy your favourite foods as the denture covers the roof/palate of your mouth (and all the flavour-receivers there)

But with an implant-supported denture, regardless of whether it’s fixed or removable, you’ll enjoy:

  • A much more secure and comfortable tooth replacement solution
  • Replacement teeth that look and feel just like natural teeth
  • Improved speech clarity and confidence
  • Increased function and bite strength, so you can enjoy all the foods you once loved
  • A fuller facial structure and more youthful appearance as jaw bone loss is prevented

Are implant dentures right for you?

Most healthy people who are missing all or most of their teeth will be suitable candidates for implant dentures. Whether you’re interested in the fixed solution of All on Four denture implants or a removable implant-supported denture, the first step is always the same: come and see us for a FREE consultation — book yours here. During this appointment, we will assess your teeth, gums and jaw, and determine the most suitable treatment options for you.


Want to restore your smile with dental implants?

Learn more about our teeth replacement options, including All-on-4, and the costs involved.

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